Tamara Day's Top Picks | NFM

Tamara Day making bed and adding pillows while smiling
Top Picks With

Tamara Day

At NFM, we want to help you find the perfect product for you and everyone you care about. To get some fresh ideas, we’ve asked our friends what items they recommend.

Blonde Woman, Tamara Day, sitting on sofa with her legs up on the couch smiling

Meet Tamara

Tamara Day is an interior designer, wife and mother of four who has made her name transforming unwanted homes. With a hands-on attitude and an ever-expanding repertoire of skills, Tamara’s expertise is always in demand. Her designs are characterized by glamorous, cozy, and bountiful spaces complete with the functionality of modern living.

Tamara is also the star of Bargain Mansions, a show where she showcases her skills with transforming old homes. The everyday luxury she injects into her designs is second to none and she aims to make spaces both aspirational and attainable. NFM is happy to have partnered with her in the past to outfit homes for her show.
