Promotional Deferred Interest Plans (No interest if paid in full in XX months)
These everyday financing plans specifically described in a separate offer allow the option of paying no interest on your purchase if paid off in full by the end of the promotional period. Interest accrues at 18% APR from date of delivery but will be deferred and not charged to your account until the end of the promotional period unless you fail to make an on-time payment. Accrued interest will be waived if you timely make all necessary minimum monthly payments and the full purchase price is paid in full by the end of the promotional period. Accrued interest will be charged to your account as a lump sum at the end of the promotional period if the purchase price is not paid in full or at the due date of any payment during the promotional period you fail to make on-time, and the account balance will continue to accrue interest after such due date at 18% APR until paid in full.
Promotional Interest Plans (Enjoy a promotional interest rate of X.XX% for XX months)
These everyday financing plans specifically described in a separate offer allow you to enjoy a promotional interest rate of X.XX% for XX months on your purchase for the promotional period. Interest will be charged to your account at the promotional rate from the date of delivery and will be included in your payment each month. The interest rate will revert to NFM's already low 18% APR for any balance remaining after the payment due date at the end of the promotional period or for any balance remaining after the payment due date of any payment you fail to make on-time during the promotional period.