- A statement from an investment account showing you own Berkshire stock
- Stock certificate
- A copy of an e-mail or direct mail from us about this year's sale
- Any previous year's shareholder badge
Berkshire Sale
We're excited to see shareholders along with their families and friends at the store this year! As always, we're ready to celebrate the occasion with NFM's exclusive Berkshire Shareholder Pricing.
Shareholder Pricing will be available this year from
Wednesday, April 23 through – Tuesday, May 6
Check back soon for additional updates and information.

What can I use to prove shareholder status?
When and where can I pick up my Berkshire lanyard?
Lanyards will be available for pickup Friday, May 2nd and Saturday, May 3rd at Central Cashiering within the main furniture building. This is located by the north entrance near area rugs.
Will the Berkshire offers be available online?
Yes! We're happy to once again offer exclusive online savings for shareholders. To ensure that we can provide the best possible service to our customers, purchase restrictions may apply by region. Shop in store or use your NFM card to buy online and pickup at our store. You may also check Berkshire pricing online during the sale period. View Details
Will NFM be hosting a Picnic?
Yes, our picnic will be held on Saturday, May 3rd from 4‑8pm featuring food, festivities and exclusive offers for Berkshire Shareholders. Our store will also be open until 10pm for anyone who wants to shop after the picnic.