Women's Month

International Women's Month

Shape of womens face with flower crown on top of her head

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Celebrate Women: A Panel of Empowering Voices + Brunch

Save the Date

Sunday, March 30th, 2025

Event begins at 9am
Location: Omaha, NE at Mrs. B's Clearance & Outlet Store
Get Directions

2025 Panel Event

Celebrate Women: A Panel of Empowering Voices

It is time for NFM's 5th annual award winning Women Empowerment Panel Discussion and Brunch. Women in leadership roles from a variety of industries will answer questions about their challenges and successes to get the core of what it takes to overcome as a woman in the business world. Once the panel is over, don't miss your chance to mingle and network with other women at a brunch supporting a good cause. All tickets sales from this event will be donated to Girls Inc., a nonprofit organization which encourages girls to be "Strong, Smart, and Bold" through direct service and advocacy.

2025 Women's Panel

Quanecia Fraser

Panel Moderator

Quanecia Fraser 

Anchor & Reporter KETV 

Diane Mendenhall
Diane Mendenhall

President of Omaha Supernovas

Pam Wiese
Pam Wiese 

CEO of Nebraska Humane Society 

Dr. Amillionara Davis
Dr. Amillionara Davis 

Owner of ChiroLife of Omaha 

Nastasia Williams
Nastasia Williams

Store Director of NFM in Kansas City

This year's events

Mark your calendars

We're not holding back; check out what we have planned to celebrate all month long!

Saturday, March 22nd 


Omaha Supernovas Game

Location: CHI Health Center Omaha, located at 455 N 10th St, Omaha 68102

Women's Panel Tickets: NFM will be selling tickets to our Women's Panel & Brunch before the game. 

Sunday, March 30th

11am -2 pm 

Women's Vendor Market

Location: Appliance & Electronics Building

Shop the Vendors:

  • Still Poppin Gourmet Popcorn 
  • Valincia's Daughter
  • Nana Meg's Jam & Jelly Works
  • Bling Co 29
  • Dynamic Health Chiropractic and Acupuncture
  • The Pie Whole
  • Designs by Evo
  • Tabor + Olive 
  • MinDee's Nuts
  • Grounded Granola
  • Golden Crust Bakery



Sunday, March 30th 


Women's Month Panel & Brunch

Location: Mrs. B's Clearance & Outlet Store

Tickets required: Includes gift, drinks, and brunch.  Doors open at 8:30am. Space is limited.

Register here

Making Dreams a Reality

In 1937, Rose Blumkin had a revolutionary idea: sell cheap and tell the truth. More than 80 years later, that’s still the guiding principle behind everything we do at NFM. And as we celebrate Women’s History Month, we want to showcase the impact Mrs. B had on business and on the world with events that recognize all the inspiring things women choose to “B” every day.

Explore Last Year's Event

Feed your fire with an award-winning panel packed full of inspiring women. This event brings together people from all walks of life to uplift one-another and open the door to an empowered community.

Embrace Your Girl Power with This Spotify Selection

Turn up this specially curated playlist and celebrate Women's Month. Give it a listen then share your power anthem with us on social media!

Celebrate Women Trailblazers

Hear from women who hustle hard and make the world go round. We're interviewing inspiring women like Julia from Chris Loves Julia, the founders of Sheex, Susan and Michelle, and even more!

Legacy of Mrs. B

Compilation of three photos of Rose Blumkin

Rose Blumkin was born Rose Gorelick on December 15th, 1893 in Schedrin, Russia, into a one room house with 3 brothers and 4 sisters. Her 28-day journey to America to reunite with her husband took her through Siberia and Japan, with a stop at the Russia border where we learn about Rose's bravery and determination early on. When questioned by a Russian soldier, Rose claimed she was buying leather for the Russian army and promised a bottle of vodka for him upon her return. He let her pass and in 1917 she finally arrived in the US. She moved with her family to Omaha in 1919 and stayed there to raise her family but what she ended up doing over her 104-year life was so much more.

In articles written about Mrs. B later in life, people joked about her indefatigable work ethic and dismissal of ever retiring. At 13, she worked 16-hour days 6 days a week for only a single ruble. Her inherent responsibility started young and her drive to build her own successful business carried for decades after. Nebraska Furniture Mart began in basement of her husband's shop in 1937 built upon Mrs. B's mantra of "Sell cheap and tell the truth". Over its 85-year history, Nebraska Furniture Mart established itself as the single best source for furniture, flooring, appliances and electronics with a footprint in 4 different regions and no signs of slowing down.

The famous handshake deal between Rose Blumkin and Warren Buffet in 1983, adding NFM to the elite roster of Berkshire Hathaway companies, solidified the upward trajectory of success that Mrs. B had built. Their deal is the stuff of legends because Buffet didn't run an audit prior to purchase. He based his deal on the trust he had for Rose Blumkin as a businesswoman. Her word and reputation were enough to satisfy one of the most savvy and successful men in modern history.

People remember her honesty, dedication to service, and eagerness to always provide an incredible deal while zipping around the store on her scooter. Her vision serves as a foundation to the core values at NFM and she continues to be an inspiration to a new generation of intelligent businesswomen out to make their dreams a reality.

Thank You to Our Sponsors
